Do you ever feel that breakfast is the ultimate Catch-22? Without breakfast, we are not fully awake. But to prepare breakfast requires more than a dollop of alertness. Boiling water for poached eggs, hot butter for pancakes — the hazards! And the time — who has the time? And yet breakfast is a necessity. You are better for eating it. It fuels the brain and the body, and while anyone can pour milk and cereal into a bowl, you're even better off if you eat something with more substance, more staying power.
Let us help you. Bypass the morning Catch-22, and make your breakfast the night before. Here are 10 breakfasts that are especially good for making ahead of time — from homemade yogurt cups, to eggy muffins with herbs and prosciutto, to creamy steel-cut oats, made in the easiest possible way.
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